The products you can trust

To serve you better, we have narrowed down our product line and have picked up innovative products and services that the industry is endorsing to help you stay competitive and save money. This approach has served you well, and in our customer’s own words:

“Arnold brings a personal touch to his business. He not only supplies us with exactly what we need, but he goes out of his way to provide products that other supplies dismiss as “hard to get”. Arnold understands what a business deems to be critical and his prompt response is well above the standard!”

Ed Stonehouse, Kelman Technologies Inc., Calgary

  • Watch Video: Dell EMC join forces

Our endorsed products fall into the following categories.


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Here are links to all the product manufacturers that PowerByte considers when choosing the right product for you.

Backup and Recovery

Big Data

Cloud storage

Featured Products

HPC server products

Network products

Presentation products


Secure Archive


Storage products