Guarantee Archive Data Integrity – – -Assureon
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There is some data that is too important to lose, too private to be seen and too critical to be tampered with but every enterprise has tight budgets and time constraints. Up to 80% of data on primary storage is unstructured and either never changes or changes infrequently but it’s imperative that the enterprise keep and protect this data. This data can be easily offloaded from expensive primary storage onto a cost-effective Nexsan Assureon archive storage system without any disruption to ongoing operations. In addition, data on Assureon is automatically protected from day one without needing to be repeatedly backed up. This dramatically reduces the size, time and cost of the backup process. Once archived, Assureon makes it easy for adherence to internal guidelines for data retention, privacy, protection, chain of custody and risk mitigation.
Here are links to product manufacturers that PowerByte considers when choosing the right storage solution for you.